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Local Artist Spotlight: OH.Tae

Markell Holland • Jun 21, 2023

Q. Can you tell us about the inspiration behind your latest single?

A. My latest single 'Suave' was inspired by how I've been feeling on going out to venues and performing my art across all stages, from open mics to booked showcases - really just feeling myself and talking my shit.

Q. What is your favorite song on your upcoming album?

A. No album in the works, but I have made a few beats and this one particular beat has a late night summer drive vibe with amapiano sounds that will be the next single I release this year... unnamed so stay tuned!

Q. How has your music evolved since you first started making it?

A. I would say that my music has refined into a more confident and precise sound that better reflects my personality.

Q. What advice would you give to your younger self about pursuing a career in music?

A. I would tell my younger self to trust myself in music creation - do what makes me happy when it comes to curating my sound, accept the feedback and opinions of others but take it with a grain of salt.

Q. Can you share any funny or interesting stories from recording sessions?

A. My first ever recording session was with TLE as a featured artist, in a small corner of a small room. The people that were there inspired me to make what was my first EP called 'Resilience', telling my story unapologetically.

Q. What sets your music apart from other R&B artists?

A. My experiences and sound - I have the ability to combine my mesmeric vocals with RnB/Hip-Hop inspired beats I create to produce what I would describe as electric.

Q. Can you tell us about any collaborations you have coming up?

A. I'm currently working on 2 seperate collabs with Only3ree and AriKayTheDon, so stay tuned!

Q. What is the most challenging aspect of being a musician?

A. The most challenging aspect for me would be the times where I'm creatively bankrupt and feeling uninspired. In all those times I decompress, be gentle with myself, go outside to distract myself (hike, listen to live music, etc.), and try again on whatever project I'm working on.

Q. How do you stay motivated to create new music?

A.  It's my first true love and passion. I think back to my younger self, and I can't imagine my life without it. This music is for me, I just so happen to share it with others - whether it's liked or not I'm fulfilled either way. 

Q. Can you tell us about any charitable work you're involved in?

A. I'm not actively involved in any charity work, but always make it a point to give to those in need - whether that be extra cents added to my purchases for a donation or money/food to the homeless at stop lights when I have it. Everyone deserves to be and feel human, and not be ashamed of help.

Q. How do you handle the pressure of being in the public eye?

A. I take it day by day, establish certain boundaries, and live my life for myself. When I'm happiest, I create my best work. 

Q. What is your favorite venue you've performed at and why?

A. Cactus Cafe in Austin, TX. It was an open mic and one of the first times I performed outside since COVID restrictions were at ease. It was a packed house, but the crowd was so intimate and welcoming - I felt right at home and inspired to sing live even more.

Q. Can you talk about any exciting upcoming performances or tours?

A. Yes! I'm excited to get back out in the scene of every city that I travel to, from my hometown of San Antonio to wherever my work/songwriting ventures take me. I'll be performing live versions of new and previously released music at open mics and various opportunities when they come!

Q. How do you handle creative differences with your collaborators?

A. I lead with love and respect first—listen to their differences, speak my piece, and from there assess whether the creative collaboration can continue or if it may not be a match for me and the collaborators. 

Q. What is your favorite song to perform live, and why?

A. My second to last single, 'CCC' is by far my favorite to perform live. This song I wrote after I really set my boundaries with some that had stepped over the line, got out of my head, and began to be more confident in my truth after a smoke sesh with close friends. 

Q. How do you stay connected with your fans?

A. Mostly through social media comments and DM's, but when I perform live I make it a point to appreciate them in person.

Q. Can you tell us about any interesting places you've traveled to for music-related work?

A. I connected with a songwriter in the industry, and was invited to a women's empowerment conference in Los Angeles at the Grammy's Museum after hours. This hosted women in various industries, from music to tech. 

Q. How do you balance your personal life with your music career?

A. I would be lying if I said it was easy, but I do keep a dedicated calendar and a to-do list for things that are either personal or business (music) related which makes it easier to manage. 

Q. Can you talk about any particularly difficult songs you've written and how you overcame those challenges?

A. 'CCC' was difficult from a personal perspective. I realized a lot of trials and tribulations I had to overcome at that time, and expressing my truth in that song was emotionally gratifying.

Q. How do you see your music evolving in the future?

A. I see my music evolving more into my truth from my experiences and travel as a black woman, as I work towards the best version of myself.

Q. Can you talk about any exciting projects you're working on outside of music?

A. Yes! Prior to getting back out in the scene, I took some time to myself to work on my side business with Amazon in the retail space (which has taken off quite well). Also, I'm currently working on my CAPM and PMP certifications to further my professional career in analytical operations. I'm determined to be a first generation millionaire.

Q. What is the most memorable moment of your music career so far?

A. When I was signed independently as a singer/songwriter to both SongFinch and Songlorious to write songs for different occasions in 2022. It warms my heart to know that I was chosen to create each song I do for someone's loved one or partner, and it is a part of their life forever.

We want to spotlight the amazing work and sound of others by providing this platform to introduce emerging artists. Giving feedback is encouraged because we want to provide the best platform for organic exposure. Shoot us a message or email if you want to be featured.

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